On Saturday, April 13th, at 3:00pm, the White River Valley Historical Society will host a jam session and pie auction as a celebration of Thomas Jefferson’s birthday. Jefferson enjoyed music and loved to play his fiddle, although research indicates that he was referred to as one of the worst fiddlers in the colonies!
The event is being held as a capstone project to a multi-year program awarded to the Society through the Mid-America Arts Alliance, in partnership with the Institute for Museum and Library Services. In 2011, the WRVHS was one of forty-four organizations over a six-state region to be awarded participation in the HELP Advance project, which provided institutional advancement and capacity-building training for cultural organizations.
Included in the afternoon will be an old-fashioned pie auction—a common venue for courting couples, providing the men present the opportunity to bid on a pie or box, and share it with the girl who made it. Attendees are encouraged to bring a pie or dessert, which will be sold to the highest bidder by Rick Findley of Mountain Country Auctions, with proceeds to benefit the WRVHS.
The jam session and pie auction will take place at the White River Valley Historical Society in Forsyth at 3:00pm, and will begin with a short program by Society president Ingrid Albers. Musicians are welcome to bring an instrument and join in the jam session. (Acoustic only. No amps please.)