The White River Valley Historical Society recently signed a contract with Acclaim Press to publish a book on Taney County and its’ families. The primary content of the book will be family histories, with a general county history, points of interest, communities, towns, churches, and local businesses included.
“This is going to be a great project!” stated WRVHS Managing Director Leslie Wyman. “You see these histories in other counties, but it’s something we’ve not had here in Taney. Our main emphasis with the book is to preserve and publish as many family stories as possible. We’re interested not only in those descended from Taney County natives, but also from anyone who calls this area home, whether or not your roots are actually from here. There’s no cost to submit your history, and one photo can also be included for free. The limited-edition books will be available for purchase; however, you’re not required to buy one in order to have your family history published. Several members of the WRVHS are involved in this project, and are available at any time to assist with preparation of your story. I really encourage every Taney County resident, as well as anyone who has ties to the county, to take advantage of this opportunity!”
Acclaim Press is preparing an informational brochure with sample histories for a mass mailing in the near future. Each family is asked to submit a historical sketch not to exceed 500 words. Stories about the different communities—past and present—are also encouraged. For more information, contact project leader Tommy Roberts, or Leslie Wyman, at 417-546-2210.