Wayne Glenn enthralled over 50 guests at our March quarterly program on Sunday, Marth 9th, with his presentation on bushwhacker Alf Bolin! His years of research confirmed some portions of the much-repeated stories of Alf, but also proved some of the other tales were nothing but lore. For example, did you know that Alf was not in his teens when he died, but instead in his late 20s or early 30s? Or, that he owned 160 acres of land? Many thanks to Wayne for coming down to speak at the WRVHS, as well as allowing us to be the only location in Taney County that sells his many books!

Alf Bolin was a notorious bushwhacker during the Civil War era in Taney and Christian counties, including the areas south of Kirbyville on the old Harrison-Springfield road. For nearly two years, he and his band of men terrorized the community, especially against those who favored the Union cause. He was ultimately killed by a Union solder disguised as an ailing Confederate in a cabin in the same vicinity.
For his book Christian County Memories, Wayne Glenn conducted extensive research on the life of Bolin in an effort to separate facts from fiction, including vintage newspaper articles, census records, and military reports. His riveting program will explore Bolin’s life before the war, and provide a look at his crimes and ultimate demise as described by those who were present during that time.