In 2012, the WRVHS received the gift of a large family Bible from Florence Kaduce. We were delighted to find that the record pages between the testaments had been filled in over the years, but dismayed when we realized they were written in German! Luckily for us, our friend Steve Whitley not only is proficient with Old English and Classical Latin script, but also German, and agreed to translate all the documents for us. Scroll down to see the pages with their translations.
If you have a Family Bible with record pages, we’d love to add it to our collection, either by holding the original safely for you in our Collection storage area, or by photographing the pages for use in our research library.

I hereby certify
That Mr. Carl Ludwig Sattler
And Elizabetha Schenkenberger
In accordance with the laws of the land
and the regulations of the church
were joined in HOLY MATRIMONY
on this fifteenth 15th day of November
in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five
Witnessed: Joseph Kielbruch
Jakob Schenkenburger Friedrich Semm, Pastor

Katharina (nee Landsindal) was born on the 24th October 1846
Jakob Schenkenberger was born on the 30th November 1841
Jakob Schenkenberger died on the 2nd May 1906
Katharina Schenkenberger died on the 5th January 1921
Karl Sattler died on the 14th December 1900
Katharina Sattler died on the 4th of September 1899 (daughter of Carl Sattler)

Jakob Schenkenberger and
Katharina (nee Landsindal)
Were married in the year 1865
On the 14th December
In Neufreudenthal by Father Keller

Karl Sattler was born on the 19th July 1864
Elizabeth Sattler (nee Schenkenberger) was born on the 14th September 1868
Karla-Paulina Sattler was born on the 8th November 1887
Elizabetha Sattler was born on the 18th November 1889
Geinrich Sattler was born on the 20th July 1891
Karl Sattler was born on the 28th January 1896
Katharina Sattler was born on the 17th August 1898

Elizabetha Sattler was born on the 19th March 1893 and died on the 19th March 1893
Katharina Sattler died on the 4th September 1899

Lisa Sattler was born on the 26th November 1888 and died on the 26th November 1888