Visitors to the Branson Centennial Museum on Saturday, December 16, will have an opportunity to learn about the Branson area during the 1950s, 60s, and 70s during a special program. Edd Akers, well-known local businessman in Taney County, will present “Memories of Growing Up in Branson” at 1:30pm.
Born at home in the living quarters of a general store located between Lakeview and Kimberling City, Akers is the son of the late Elven and Pauline Akers. After attending all 12 years in the Branson School system, Edd went on to graduate from the University of Missouri in Columbia in 1967. He began his professional career in Marvel Cave Park in 1957 and in 1965 was Assistant to Peter Herschend of Silver Dollar City. In 1970, Akers became President of Akers Insurance Agency, and is currently an Advisor with Ollis/Akers/Arney. He has been active in many organizations and businesses, including Ozark Mountain Bank, Lives Under Construction Boys Ranch, Church Army USA, Taneyhills Library, Branson/Hollister Rotary Club, Branson/Hollister Jaycees, Branson/Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce, and Taney County Board of Planning and Zoning.
A lifetime of living in the Branson area has given Edd many interesting stories to share, and allows participants to see how Branson has evolved over the years.
The free event will begin at 1:00pm with refreshments and a look at various exhibits throughout the museum, followed by Mr. Akers’ program at 1:30. The Branson Centennial Museum is located at 120 S. Commercial in downtown Branson, and is one of the locations of the White River Valley Historical Society.