The White River Valley Historical Society was formed in the fall of 1961. At the time, no local historical societies existed in the region, and the society included eight counties in Missouri and Arkansas. Since that time, most of these counties have developed their own historical societies, and the WRVHS has come to concentrate on the history of the upper White River Valley, primarily on Taney County.

Since our beginning, members of the Society have followed its’ mission to “preserve, protect, and promote” the cultural history of the region. Committees and volunteers work tirelessly with efforts to transcribe cemeteries, document historic sites and structures, offer exhibits and educational events, and make as many collection items available in the museum as possible.
In 2011, we purchased our current home at 297 Main Street in Forsyth, which features a museum, research library, and gift shop.
In 2012, local businessman Jim D. Morris donated the use of his building at 101 Veterans Blvd in downtown Branson for a history museum.
In 2014 Joe and Barbara Reish, longtime Branson business owners, have donated the use of their historic building located at 120 S. Commercial As a new home for the “Branson Centennial Museum”. The museum features rotating exhibits of Branson and the area, as well as a small gift shop.